Heber Valley Special Service District
The DHHS Environmental Epidemiology Program (EEP) will conduct a community health assessment at the request of the Wasatch County Health Department to look into the potential health risks associated with odor complaints involving the Heber Valley Special Service District (HVSSD) wastewater treatment ponds. EEP will work with partner agencies to take air samples in the areas around the treatment facility.

Odor diary and complaint form
To keep track of the odors you have experienced, use the DDHS odor diary form to help you fill out the EEP odor complaint form below.
Do you have an odor complaint? EEP is collecting community feedback about odors in Midway, Utah. If you live in the area and would like to report an odor, click on the link and fill out the form: : EEP odor complaint form
Are you interested in hosting an air monitor?
DHHS is looking to deploy a hydrogen sulfide sensor in the community to gather data. If you are interested in hosting a sensor, fill out the hydrogen sulfide sensor hosting form and we will contact you.
Public meetings
Utah APPLETREE provided an update at the HVSSD office building located at 1000 E Main Street in Midway, Utah at 6:00 pm on June 27, 2024. If you were unable to attend in person click on the link to view the Power Point presentation. HVSSD 06/27/24 presentation
Frequently asked questions
Coming soon!